Bip&Go electronic toll payment practical info

Find all our news and tips for travelling as comfortably as possible with your Bip&Go electronic toll payment badge.

Useful information
How often should I charge an electric car battery?
Looking for the best way to charge your electric car? Find out if you are right to use an electric charging station every day.
Useful information
Find and reserve a car parking space in France with Bip&Go
Book your car parking spaces in France and Europe using the Bip&Go app. Thousands of inexpensive parking spaces are available.
Useful information
How to pay at electric charging terminals
Do you want to charge your car at a public charging terminal? Discover the different means of payment accepted at electric charging terminals.
Useful information
How to find electric charging stations in France - Bip&Go
Do you want to charge your vehicle en route? Find out how to find electric charging terminal networks in France.
Useful information
Vehicle classification system at toll stations and on motorways
Depending on their type and size, vehicles are classified differently at motorway toll stations. Find out everything you need to know about these classifications.
Useful information
Motorway tolls: what are the different payment methods?
Whether you want to pay in cash, by credit card, or with an electronic toll badge, find out more about the different payment methods available at motorway toll booths and which lane to choose depending on your chosen payment method.
Useful information
How to save time on the motorway – Bip&Go News
Need to hit the motorway for your next holiday? Find out more about our practical advice to save time and avoid mishaps on the journey.
Useful information
Where can you find an electric charging station on the motorway?
Are you travelling in your electric car? Avoid running out of battery with the Bip&Go app: take the hassle out of finding a charging station on the motorway.
Useful information
Which applications should I download for the motorway? - Bip&Go
Make your life easier when travelling on motorways with specialised toll apps like Bip&Go. Electronic tolls, car park and rest area searches, etc.